Zeta Wars, “Starfox-like” rail-shooter

Zeta Wars is a project I built in order to learn to use the Unity game engine. It is a one-minute long game, giving the player the control of a spaceship which travels through a level following a predefined sequence.

The idea of this game was for me to get familiarized with various Unity functionalities: Terrain creation, use of timeline, moving through space, using various assets, adding music, visual and sound effects, adjusting the game feel,

The experience was extremely interesting and I spent a lot more time than what I had initially planned polishing this prototype, using Unity Asset Store’s assets to get a better look , and adjusting the gameplay to make it feel better to play.

The game could still be improved (notably by reducing the motion-sickness inducing camera movements, and by making the level longer), and I’m not excluding to come back to this prototype in the future. I am, however, quite happy with it for now, enough to offer it to play as a demo and put it aside as I go and learn to use the other tools Unity has to offer.

Zeta Wars is available on itch.io.